2016 WISE Award Winner: Education for Growth and Value Creation, Lebanon

Lebanon, November 7th 2016 – Education for Growth and Value Creation, based in Lebanon, supports the socio-economic status of rural Lebanese women through vocational education and training in tourism. The program focuses on regions with high rates of unemployment and urban migration. A key milestone in the initiative was the launch of the Institute of Management Services (IMS), which includes a formal, two-year training program, leading to a Diploma in Tourism Management and Hospitality.

World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) is an international, multi-sectoral and action-oriented platform for innovation in education that connects innovators, nurtures new ideas, and recognizes and supports successful initiatives that are helping revitalize education. For more information about WISE: http://www.wise-qatar.org

$100 Million for Lebanon’s Schools

Lebanon, March 25th 2016 – All children deserve a quality education. The government of Lebanon is working to bring all Syrian refugee children and Lebanese children into classrooms by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.

In Beirut today, President Jim Yong Kim announced a new $100 million initiative that will support the government’s ambitious target. Lebanon is President Kim’s first stop on a five-day joint trip through the Middle East and North Africa with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Source:  WorldBank

Lebanon: the future is now – learning world

Lebanon, November 1st 2013 – Educational reform in Lebanon is going slowly; schools are struggling and both teachers and students face tough challenges ahead. State schools have many problems including poor learning environments and in underprivileged areas school drop-out rates are high.

Source:  euronews